08. Tools of the Trade - Scripting


Tools of the Trade - Scripting DICOM Networks

ND320 C3 L4 09 Scripting

How do you ping an AE with DCMTK?

How do you ping an AE with DCMTK?

SOLUTION: echoscu tool


Here, we used some of the tools from the DCMTK toolkit to emulate the operation of a DICOM network. We have done the following:

  • Used dcmdump tool to view the DICOM metadata of a DICOM file
  • Used storecsp command to bring up an SCP listening to incoming C-STORE requests. The following is the command line that we used: storescp 109 -v -aet TESTSCP -od . --sort-on-study-uid st. This starts listening on port 109, with verbose logging, with AE Title “TESTSCP”, putting all incoming files into the current directory and organizing studies into directories named as study instance UIDs, with prefix st
  • Used echoscu command to verify that our SCP instance is alive and listening by running the following on the command line: echoscu localhost 109 -v
  • Used storescu command to issue a set of C-STORE requests to our SCP and send several DICOM studies. We used the following command to accomplish this: storescu localhost 109 -v -aec TESTSCU +r +sd .. Here, -aec parameter specifies the AE title that our SCU will use to identify itself (some SCPs might only receive data from known AE titles); +r parameter tells our tool to process directories recursively and +sd parameter specifies a directory to send.